Texcel views construction and mining projects as geographic ecosystems where people, infrastructure, plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life.
Ideally, like all ecosystems, these geographic examples will exist in a fragile equilibrium – this means that small changes to parts of the system can lead to collapse of the whole ecosystem.
Also like all ecosystems, if the appropriate state of equilibrium can be established, the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts.
Texcel’s role as your environmental monitoring partner is to work with you to establish this appropriate state of equilibrium.
A graphical representation of the major components of a typical geographic ecosystem would look like this:

- The geographic environment contains everything around the project site (construction or mine) – things like businesses, housing, infrastructure, waterways, people, but also landscape, weather, etc.
- The construction/mining environment fits within the geographic environment and contains additional things like operational equipment, site personnel, infrastructure, etc.
- The compliance rules fit within the construction/mining environment and contain the imposed standards and regulations.
- The data environment is within the compliance rules. The environmental data monitoring is a sub-set of the whole ecosystem and looks like:

Your environmental monitoring partner
As your environmental monitoring partner, it is Texcel’s responsibility to ensure that the environmental monitoring ecosystem meets the needs of the other ecosystem sub-sets in which it sits – the compliance rules, the construction, and the geographic environment.
The very fundamental importance of timely, trusted, actionable data to the equilibrium state of this ecosystem cannot be overstressed. The importance of data integrity was discussed in a blog called “Data Integrity and Vibration Monitoring” from December 2021. Here we are showing where these concepts fit into the overall ecosystem.
While there are providers that can manage parts of this system. it is Texcel’s ability to control this complete environmental monitoring ecosystem that separates us from our competitors.